Programmer VR: Learn Programming in Virtual Reality
Programmer VR” 🎮 is a VR game that makes learning programming fun through puzzles. Players guide Bob, a robot🤖 to grasp coding principles 🧠💡.
🤓 In direct competition with Oculus Quest, Chinese company Pico is offering a standalone virtual reality headset, PICO NEO 2.
If you don’t want to use Facebook’s products, PICO NEO 2 can be the answer. Sold at the same price as an Oculus Quest (with a professional license), this Steam VR compatible headset offers an alternative for self-contained VR in class.
This VR headset has very good features including 4k resolution, 6 axis tracking (6 DOF) and 360° magnetic tracking controllers. In short, very useful in educational or professional settings.
Although, designed with business in mind, it is of interest in the classroom because it ensures unique counterbalanced design for easy and extended wear. The weight is better distributed because the battery is placed at the back of the head to counterbalance the frontal parts.
Pico Neo 2 ncludes the Firefox Reality browser on its platform.
It is available at a price of $ 699 against $ 899 for the Neo 2 Eye (with eye trackking system).
Programmer VR” 🎮 is a VR game that makes learning programming fun through puzzles. Players guide Bob, a robot🤖 to grasp coding principles 🧠💡.
Explore the transformative power of Meta Quest 3 in education. Discover how its advanced VR technology revolutionizes learning, offering immersive, interactive experiences for students and educators. Learn about its key upgrades, practical applications, and integration strategies for a future-ready classroom.
♻️ RecyclageVR ♻️ helps raise awareness about recycling in VR. The garbage appears everywhere around the player, who must sort waste fast without mistakes.
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