How to teach in Virtual reality?

enseigner en réalité virtuelle

Teaching in Virtual Reality:

How to teach in virtual reality? In virtual reality, the teacher is a facilitator of content, he / she becomes a guide. When teaching using virtual reality, the pedagogy is different. In virtual reality , teachers focus on creating the conditions for exploration, rather than on the “delivery” of knowledge. The students experiment and the teachers guide them. Teachers will be able to enjoy observing students engaged in the rapid expansion of their knowledges. Concretely, what will virtual reality change? is it about asking questions rather than state knowledges? Is it about spending personal time to create the perfect virtual environment?

The key elements to teach in Virtual Reality

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Guide their learning

In virtual reality the concept of guiding is the key. To guide is to observe the student building knowledges without judging our influencing it. Remember, in Virtual reality, students tends to explore, and test more things.

Teachers need to make technical resources available, however, the student must draw the common thread of understanding the concept.

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Be ready for curious students

In addition to our online classroom, we also offer an option to take part in a live classroom. It takes place in our vast campus located in Westfield, London. Here you’ll be able to use the most up-to-date facilities and computer equipment.

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Personalized their learning experience

In addition to our online classroom, we also offer an option to take part in a live classroom. It takes place in our vast campus located in Westfield, London. Here you’ll be able to use the most up-to-date facilities and computer equipment.

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Let the virtual interactions do the job

VR allows immersion and interactions. Interaction in virtual reality means the students can interact with 3d objects in the virtual environment. The fact that students are active and they can interact with the virtual learning environment improves their memorization. In VR actions improves the capability to memorized  (learning a sentence VS doing an action Zimmer et al. 2001) and the spatial memory (brooks et. al 1999).


3 key elements to teach in virtual reality

The virtual environment is multidimensional and it will change everything...

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Prepare the VR teaching session including "the before", "the during" and "the after" VR experience;

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Accept the necessary "wahou effect";

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Follow carefully what your students are doing in virtual reality;

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the virtual reality teacher's guide:

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Teacher in Virtual Reality
✅ What is Virtual Reality? ✅ 12 take away keys ✅ Equipments
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