HTC Vive Pro 2: 120° vision
The HTC Vive Pro 2 is a high-end virtual reality headset that embeds a 5k definition and a 120° field of view. For teaching Pros
In virtual reality the concept of guiding is the key. To guide is to observe the student building knowledges without judging our influencing it. Remember, in Virtual reality, students tends to explore, and test more things.
Teachers need to make technical resources available, however, the student must draw the common thread of understanding the concept.
In addition to our online classroom, we also offer an option to take part in a live classroom. It takes place in our vast campus located in Westfield, London. Here you’ll be able to use the most up-to-date facilities and computer equipment.
In addition to our online classroom, we also offer an option to take part in a live classroom. It takes place in our vast campus located in Westfield, London. Here you’ll be able to use the most up-to-date facilities and computer equipment.
VR allows immersion and interactions. Interaction in virtual reality means the students can interact with 3d objects in the virtual environment. The fact that students are active and they can interact with the virtual learning environment improves their memorization. In VR actions improves the capability to memorized (learning a sentence VS doing an action Zimmer et al. 2001) and the spatial memory (brooks et. al 1999).
The virtual environment is multidimensional and it will change everything...
The HTC Vive Pro 2 is a high-end virtual reality headset that embeds a 5k definition and a 120° field of view. For teaching Pros
The VR experience “Mona Lisa: Beyond The Glass” lets us discover the Mona Lisa painting in a whole new way.
Oculus introduces AIRLINK which allows you to connect the Quest 2 to your PC via wifi. Enjoy Rift, Steam VR, Viveport or Epic games wirelessly!
The Kremer collection consists of 70 works by Dutch Masters, acquired by George and Ilone Kremer since 1996 including masterpieces by Rembrandt. The Kremer Collection VR Museum is a virtual reality experience that allows you to view the collection’s magnificent works with your VR headset
The Body VR is an educational virtual reality experience that will introduce you to the human body from the inside out.
A nice poetic story leads you to discover the daily life of the people of the prehistoric age. Discover like never before the cave painting of the larger mammal species, in the Cave of Chauvet.
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