Category: AR Application

1 - 9 sur 10 résultats
WWF réalité augmentée
AR Application
Géraldine Perriguey

WWF Free Rivers: Explore rivers

WWF Free rivers is an WWF AR mobile app explaining how the water cycle works and the ecological risks associated with the construction of a hydraulic dam.

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AR Application
Géraldine Perriguey

Arloopa AR

Arloopa is great AR mobile app to visualize tons of items in 3D in augmented reality, in your classroom or living room

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Mirage Maker
AR Application
Géraldine Perriguey

Mirage Make : transform your documents

The Mirage Make augmented reality application allows, in addition to animated augmented QR Codes, functions such as the virtual reality museum, reading assistance, independent dictation and others just as fabulous.

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🎉NEW Online course!🎉

➡️ VR STEM Mastery:
Enhancing Science teaching with Virtual Reality

STEM VR: Science Math with Virtual Reality